Monday, March 28, 2011

No Longer A Baby, She's A Toodler & It's Tea Time

It's just about that time,  "Tea Time" for My Little Baby Girl, and we are hoping everything will be just so.  So many ideas and so much planning. But, I don't want to go it alone. So I'm sharing just a few of  the ideas that I'm dreaming of for her very first birthday with you. 

The theme will be an all Girls Zebra Princess Ballerina Tea Party for Mommies and Daughters.  Please keep in mind that this is my daughter's first year, and she's super girly and that has inspired my ideals for her party. 

The ideas and activities for the party are a bit varied, but are well intended.  I have less than two weeks to pull everything together so your input is appreciated.  I'm well pass the time to make final decisions which is like last week, I hope you will enjoy this journey with me.

I turned 44 last week, and my last child before this one was in 1988.  Since then I've experience much in my living and hope to take advantage of those experiences and make the most of this 1st birthday.

For one, the girls must have tutu's, and I know some of you are saying those are not for tea parties, but remember this is a Zebra Princess Ballerina Tea Party.  No one will be turned away for not wearing a tutu but instead wearing a tea party dress and hat.

I plan on my baby wearing a beautiful Tutu. As a matter of fact, I have two being custom made and I can't wait to see which will be the most heart warming. I've also enter a contest to win a Tutu, just as a back up from a blogger/vendor I found on DebbieDos blog earlier this week! With a little luck maybe I can win it!

In addition, I am dreaming about the table setting. I'm fully aware that this is not a wedding, but it feels something like a once in a life time special event, I mean you only turn 1 once, right! Unlike the multiple 21 year old birthdays which occur every year after 35. 

Have you ever experienced having dinner with friends on your birthday, and when the wait staff comes over to sing happy birthday and they ask how old are you today?  You either state you don't give out that information or you say 21 even if your 21 year child is sitting there with you.  It's always funny to see people turn 21 time and time again.

While celebrating my 44th birthday at Pappasitos restaurant with my baby girl in hand, and the question of my age came from the waiter, I was to happy to state 44, and he whispered, "Did you mean to say 21 or 25?" and I repeated  to him 44.  He must have thought I was crazy, because he said that no one had ever told him to say 40 anything!

 Remember you only turn 1 once!!  So I'm envisioning little girls in tutus, beautiful chairs, and a beautiful table setting with layers of black, white and hot pink of course balloons.

In church yesterday a lady which I've not met before came over to my husband and myself and informed us that she had been thinking of our little girl and her hair bow all week.  She stated that it is one of the highlights of each Sunday for her.  That was more confirmation for me that her first birthday party should be a memorable one.  I have no idea how I will pull this off and stay on budget.

So, I would like your feedback and ideas.  Please share your thoughts.  Below I have listed just a few of the things I am dreaming of.  Next step might be professional help on how to have a dream party on a budget....., let me know your ideals?      

Wow this is pretty!!

Now of course, we need to consider the activities and attire when selecting the decor.  So below are the outfits that I have been imagining.

Of course these little princesses must have tiaras and wings!

 Last but not least, the cake.  No party is complete without a cake and these are sure to get your sweet tooth going.  In addition, I'm adding cupcakes and cake pops.   Yummy!

 Let me not forget to mention that Paris needs to be a part of this theme as well.  Here are a few of my ideas.

Delicious and I know you are wondering how can these things be incorporated.  If you're not; know that I am!  But this and the zebra are must haves for me.

Now I think this party should be fit for a little princess.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Woodlands Black Sofa Decor Predicament

Woodlands Black Sofa Decor Predicament

A homeowner which will remain anonymous, indicated that they were at an impasse with there black leather sofa.  As the investment was significant and they have grown tired of their classic black and white decor and custom drapery.  So this dilemma became know as the Woodlands Black Sofa Decor Predicament.

Black leather sofa are always a great starting point for me, but I must say the I definitely have empathy for this Woodlands homeowner, and even more so if this Woodlands homeowner has a fear of color which is the case for more people than you might image.  So many folks desire to play it safe and stir clear of the local Woodlands hardware store paint departments, but elect to change the custom drapery instead of the wall colors.

Let's assume that these Woodlands homeowners are not so fearful of color since they added a wild card to the Woodlands Black Sofa Predicament, which is all reds will be considered inferior and the least likely color to be used in the equation.  Now this handicap will up the ante for me as red is one of my favorite colors, particularly with a Woodlands black leather and the many shades of red that can be used in custom drapery.

These are just a few rooms with splashes of red that I really enjoy.  I can only wonder if these Woodlands homeowners have seen such magnificent and stunning uses of red in the fabrics of custom drapery and pillows.  Okay, let us get back to the Woodlands Black Sofa Predicament. 

Dear Woodlands homeowners I'm confident that you are aware that black leather furniture adds elegance and sophistication to a room precisely the very reason you choose it. Understand that leather sofas can also impart style and comfort to your living room.  You may decorate around your black leather sofa, using contrasting color and fabrics.  Be sure in when selecting the new decor you avoid dark and drab colors that will make the room feel small, instead use light and bright colors your paint and custom drapery.

Of course I love utilizing sharp and elegant contrasting fabrics though the use of custom drapery.  The sharp features of the black leather furniture with soft, airy fabrics such as relaxed cotton, linen, or silks will make your room scream and hold everyone's attention and give the room a larger feel.  You may use accessories, chairs, and matching throw pillows or a blanket on your leather couch to complete the look.

Thought the use of custom drapery window treatments, and utilizing a variety of options from the color, texture, and pattern of fabrics can quickly transform your room from plain Jane black and white to rich and full of excitement

For a modern look, bring touches of silver or icy blue shades fabrics in the custom drapery. You may also consider lime green or fushcia hues that can add a retro flair to your room.

For more information on changing your decor utilizing custom drapery or to arrange for a in home consultation, contact us at

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Women Love Beautifully Done Custom Drapery

Have you ever wondered why women love drapery? This article gives the simple but meaningful reason why women are so enchanted by the colorful flowing hanging fabrics of beautifully done custom drapery.

Consider all the majestic moments as a little girl, that were spent in her very own palace awaiting her prince charming. Those positive thoughts and emotions bring blushes no matter how deeply the thoughts are suppressed, and they find difficulty containing themselves as the beautifully done custom drapery go up and they ponder their fairy tale princesses days of Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty.

Imagine this scene in your mind: you’re having your very own adult tea party or play date in your new grown up castle. You and your real life prince are the hostess with the mostess. This is by far how you’ve imagined all your life; love, marriage, children, and home ownership. It’s finally here and once again you are center stage and it feels great!

Why? Because anything worth having is worth working for through the labor of love, patience, peace, joy, kindness, self control, goodness, and humility.

Beautifully done custom drapery activate thoughts that allow you to reminisce of the positive moments in life.  Almost every milestone has some relation to drapery, from graduations, proms, and vacations, to company parties, and galas. It’s these moments that draw the positive responses and emotions associated with beautifully done custom drapery.  Every single fabric, color, pattern, and style of drapery treatment comes with its own traditional meaning and sentiment - symbolism's that have been developed over time.

Most of the time women don’t consciously think about the effects that beautifully done custom drapery have played throughout her life, but more of a subconscious second nature thought. Despite this, many women are excited and overjoyed with happiness whenever they are selecting custom drapery designs and fabrics for the many rooms in their home.

To arrange an in home consultation; contact us today at

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